

 Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation is a strategy where companies hire external professionals or teams from a third-party provider while retaining control over project management and tasks. It allows companies to quickly add resources without the need for hiring and training, offering flexibility to scale based on project needs.


Tech Stack

Over the years, we have deployed most of the popular technologies to design and develop cutting-edge products and drive their growth with the appropriate marketing stack.

  • AR/VR
  • Front-end
  • Back-end
  • Mobile app
  • AI&ML

Unity Engine

AR Core

AR Kit

Vuforia Engine

Unreal engine




Javascript Vanilla





Java spring




Swift 5

Swift UI

React Native









Discovery Call

This crucial initial step involves conducting a discovery call with potential clients. During this call, we engage in a comprehensive conversation regarding the client's specific challenges and requirements. It presents us with an opportunity to gain a deep understanding of their business needs, project scope, and the desired skills in candidates. By aligning our understanding with the client's expectations, this call establishes a solid foundation for the entire augmentation process.


Information Gathering

Collecting detailed information after the discovery call is a crucial stage in our process. We confidently gather all the necessary detailed information that will greatly assist us in finding the perfect candidates. This includes gathering technical requirements, project timelines, preferred communication methods, and identifying any specific skills or experience that we are specifically seeking. With this comprehensive profile in hand, we are well-equipped to guide the selection process with confidence and precision.


Selection Process

Using our talent pool, we meticulously identify potential candidates who perfectly align with the client's requirements. This comprehensive process includes thorough screening for skills, experience, and compatibility with the client's unique work culture. Rest assured, we present only the cream of the crop - a handpicked selection of top candidates, primed and ready for introduction to the client.


Candidate CV Introduction

Before we involve the client, we carry out initial interviews with the candidates.This step ensures they meet the specific requirements and expectations of the client. It acts as an additional layer of quality assurance in our selection process. Afterwards, We share comprehensive CVs of the selected candidates, ensuring that our clients have all the necessary information. This process guarantees that only the most suitable candidates, who align closely with the client’s needs, are moved forward for the subsequent stages of the selection process.


Final Candidate Selection

In this phase, a second interview is carried out with the active participation of our esteemed clients. This collaborative process empowers our clients to thoroughly assess the candidates and arrive at a final decision. The candidate who best aligns with the client's preferences and project requirements is ultimately chosen.


Onboarding Process

Post-selection, we manage the onboarding process. This includes setting up communication tools, establishing communication frequency, such as monthly reviews, and aligning the candidate with the client's work processes and culture. We ensure a smooth transition for the candidate into the client's team, ensuring they are ready to contribute effectively from day one.





Cost Efficiency

Staff Augmentation provides cost advantages by saving on salaries, office space, equipment, and recruitment expenses, making it a cost-effective alternative to hiring full-time employees.

Scalability and Flexibility

Staff Augmentation provides a great deal of flexibility for companies in scaling up and down, making it easy for them to respond to market demands and project requirements quickly.

Enhanced productivity and efficiency

Outsourced professionals' expertise and dedication increase company productivity by reducing turnaround times, improving quality, and completing tasks efficiently.

Access to Specialized skills and Expertise

Companies can leverage a global talent market to access specialized skills, enhance capabilities, and foster innovation for complex projects.

Focus on Core processes

A business can delegate non-core functions to external experts, enabling them to focus on their core processes and strategic goals.






Save you valuable time and money while ensuring smooth execution and remarkable project success.

All amounts given are approximate

Level *

Month Salary *


Project Length


Monthly Savings




Project Savings



From 1 month

To 12 month

Saved money










We've got


What’s the difference between Outsourcing and staff augmentation?

Outsourcing is when a company contracts with another company to provide services or products, while staff augmentation is when a company hires employees from another company to work on its behalf. Outsourcing is a way for companies to get access to specialized services or products, while staff augmentation allows companies to save on costs associated with recruiting and training new employees.

How big is the staff augmentation industry?

In today's time, IT outsourcing spending is expected to reach $519 billion in 2023, with a significant increase of 22% from last year's overall spending.

What are the most staff augmentation jobs?

Technology, innovation, marketing, customer service, human resources, finance, and design are just some of the most commonly Staff Augmented services in 2023.

What industries commonly use staff augmentation?

staff augmentation is widely used across a wide range of industries, including software development, IT services, engineering, marketing, creative design, and customer support. Although, it is possible to adapt it to suit the specific needs of an organization depending on the sector that it belongs to.

Is Staff Augmentation suitable for long-term projects?

Yes, staff augmentation is often a suitable option for long-term projects because it provides companies with the ability to have dedicated resources for an extended period of time. A flexible staff augmentation arrangement allows businesses to align the staff with the needs of the project while avoiding long-term employment commitments by aligning the workforce with the project requirements.

What are the most Staff Augmented jobs?

One potential challenge of staff augmentation is effectively managing communication and coordination between the Staff Augmented team and the in-house team, especially if they are in different locations or time zones.

Global talent at your fingertips.

Drive innovation through staff augmentation collaborations.


Innovation Street # 7, Tbilisi, Georgia

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