Craft Future with AR Experts

Augmented Reality services are more than just technology, they are a fusion of digital creativity and real-world applications, crafted by our team of top tech talents. With specializations ranging from interactive design to advanced software engineering, our experts are at the forefront of AR development. Each AR solution is meticulously tailored to meet your unique business needs. Customize your own business world where your ideas come to life by the best in the business.

How it can be used

Product Design and Prototyping

Allow designers to visualize products in real-world contexts before production.

Create interactive 3D models for design visualization and prototyping.

Training and Onboarding

Provide interactive and hands-on training experiences for employees.

Simulate real-life scenarios to train employees for complex tasks.

Maintenance and Repair

Overlay digital instructions and information on physical equipment for technicians.

Assist in troubleshooting and guide repairs step-by-step.

Remote Assistance

Enable experts to provide remote guidance through AR to field technicians or customers.

Reduce travel costs and response times for technical support.

Sales and Marketing

Offer virtual product demonstrations and interactive product experiences.

Allow customers to try products virtually before making a purchase.

Retail and E-commerce

Implement virtual try-on experiences for clothing, accessories, and cosmetics.

Enhance in-store shopping experiences with interactive displays and promotions.

Healthcare and Medical Training

Provide detailed anatomical and medical visualizations for training and education.

Assist surgeons with virtual overlays during surgical procedures.

Education and E-Learning

Create immersive educational content for students in various subjects.

Bring historical events, biology, and geography to life through interactive experiences.

Real Estate and Architecture

Enable clients to view architectural designs in their actual environments using AR.

Offer virtual tours of properties to potential buyers or renters.

Field Service and Logistics

Optimize route planning and navigation for delivery and field service personnel.

Provide real-time information about inventory and warehouse operations..

Gaming and Entertainment

Develop AR games and entertainment experiences for users to enjoy.

Combine physical locations with digital elements for immersive gaming experiences.

Interior Design and Home Improvement

Allow customers to visualize furniture and decor in their homes before purchase.

Provide DIY enthusiasts with step-by-step guides for home improvement projects.

Tourism and Hospitality

Offer interactive guided tours with AR-enhanced content at historical sites or museums. Provide guests with localized information and recommendations through AR.

Provide guests with localized information and recommendations through AR.

Step-by-Step Guide:
Implementing AR for Your Business


Identify Your Business Needs and Challenges

Start by analyzing your business operations, customer interactions, and areas where AR can make a difference. Consider things like product visualization, customer engagement, training, or any specific challenges you're facing.


Work with Our Experts to Find a Solution

Engage with AR experts or consultants who can help you navigate the technology and its potential applications for your business. They can provide insights, case studies, and recommendations based on your specific industry and goals


Choose Features and Functionalities

Collaborate with experts to determine the specific features and functionalities you want in your AR solution. This could include elements like 3D modeling, real-time overlays, interactive content, or customized experiences tailored to your business needs


Design and Development of Unique Business Solution

Once you've outlined your requirements, the AR experts will design and develop a tailored AR solution. This process involves creating 3D models, integrating AR frameworks, and ensuring seamless interactions between digital and physical elements.


User Testing and Refinement:

Do user testing with a diverse group of stakeholders before the launch. Get feedback on usability, performance, and overall experience. By doing this, you can refine your solution and make sure it meets your target audience's needs. We can refine the AR solution based on your feedback. Usually, this involves improving the user interface, adding functionality, or improving performance.


Launch the Solution

With a refined AR solution in hand, it's time to launch. Coordinate with your marketing and communication teams to generate excitement and awareness around the new AR capabilities.

Benefitsthat surprises

Enhanced Customer Engagement

AR provides interactive and immersive experiences that captivate customers, leading to longer engagement times and stronger brand loyalty.

Increased Sales and Conversions

Virtual and interactive product demonstrations can boost confidence in purchasing decisions, leading to higher conversion rates for businesses.

Competitive Advantage

Early adoption of AR sets businesses apart from competitors, signaling innovation and a commitment to enhancing customer experiences.

Data-Driven Insights

AR analytics can provide businesses with valuable data on user behavior, preferences, and interactions, allowing for more informed decision-making.

Personalized Experiences

AR can tailor experiences to individual preferences, offering personalized content and recommendations based on user interactions.

Elevated Marketing Campaigns

AR-powered marketing campaigns have the potential to go viral, creating buzz around a brand and reaching a wider audience.

Got questions?
We've got answers

What are the main differences between VR MR and AR?

Augmented reality (AR): a view of the real world with an overlay of digital elements. Mixed Reality (MR): a view of the real world with an overlay of digital elements where physical and digital elements can interact. Virtual reality (VR): a fully-immersive digital environment.

What companies use AR technology?

Top 10 augmented reality companies for business



HTC VIVE. VIVERSE - A Day in the Metaverse with VR, AR, AI, 5G & NFTs






What is a real life example of AR?

For example, Coca-Cola used AR technology to create a campaign that allowed users to virtually try on sunglasses and share the experience on social media. Retail: AR technology is used in retail to allow customers to try on clothing and accessories virtually.

How does IKEA use AR technology?

The Place app lets its users superimpose the virtual replicas of the IKEA furniture of their choice in their real homes by the aid of the AR technology. It provides shoppers with a more flawless look as to what that particular furniture might look like once placed in its intended spot.

Is AR technology growing?

Various reports show the size of the AR market is growing, and at a pretty incredible rate too. According to Grandview Research, in 2021, the value of the AR market was around $25.33 billion, but the space is expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 40.9% through to 2030.

What are the benefits of augmented reality?

AR increases engagement and interaction and provides a richer user experience. Research has shown that AR increases the perceived value of products and brands. Well-implemented AR activity conveys innovation and responsiveness from forward-thinking brands.

Enter the AR Dimension

Drive innovation through AR collaborations.


Innovation Street # 7, Tbilisi, Georgia

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